How we train
Through our innovative programs, redefine your goals and set your optimal path to success

Fully trained clients who are contributing to Alberta’s economy and enriching the province’s workforce

Boost your future
With industry-recognized training and certification, optimize your future to build your career.

Smart Choices
Choose the right pathway for your success. Talk to us!
Through our training
Build your career
Build a future
Build a better Alberta
Since 2001
Our History, Our Future
The CCIS YYCTrades Training Team has been offering training initiatives for new Canadians seeking to build a career in various trades and gain sustainable employment. Our solid track record is indicative of the high quality of training and strong ability to collaborate with different industries that provides diverse talent for the local economy.
Changing a generation
The CCIS YYCTrades Training has engaged with industry to address work forces shortages and to improve the lives of new Canadians, resulting in trained, certified, and competent individuals who possess vast array of talents and transferrable experiences.